Wednesday, December 31, 2008

a few things

Just a few things to round out 2008:

I have so much enjoyed spending the past week with Jane. I know you're probably thinking - duh! - but seriously. I haven't had this much time with her for over six months, and it makes me realize that a lot of the time I do have with her is basically upkeep - get her up in the morning, fed, ready for daycare, drop her off, pick her up, feed her, clean up, play for a bit, bath, bed. Then on the weekends, it's chores, and obligations, and we don't very often just sit and hang. Having the chance to do that this week has been so awesome. She is developing into quite a charming (and mischievous) little girl. The baby days are well and truly behind us now.

My lovely friend Audrey has started up a fancy new blog! I encourage you to go check it out - this will force her to keep updating it.

I hope everyone has a fabulous New Year's Eve, and an even more spectacular 2009. I will be hanging on my couch with Greg and the pups, most likely eating takeout and watching a movie, desperately trying to keep my eyes open 'til midnight. Hope your plans are a bit more...sparkly. Alas, this is the life with a toddler. We'll party when we're 50.

See you next year!


Laurie said...

So glad to hear that you've gotten to hang out with your Little One.

Eh, my New Year's Eve was quite the same!! Except that my goal was to make it to 10p...

Audrey said...

Woo hoo! Thanks for the shout out. ;) I need to update very soon. I already know what I'm going to write about I've just been too lazy to do it! Ah vacation...