Monday, July 26, 2010

The August Break

Look, I know I've been a terrible blogger. Which is particularly awful because I've had such a story-filled month. But I plan to make up for it. I am participating in The August Break (see badge and link to the right). I plan on posting photos five days a week throughout the month of August, at least one photo a a day. And hey, maybe I'll even tell the story behind that photo, like a real blogger would. I think a lot of the participants in The August Break are really accomplished photographers, but between my terrible picture-taking skills and my equally terrible camera, I do not fall into that category. But hey, I'll give it a shot. And I want to publicly say that I think Lisa, who is actually a good photographer, should participate too!

1 comment:

lgaumond said...

I'll try, that's all I can say. (And thanks for thinking I take nice pictures!)