Sunday, December 13, 2009


Because I tend to do a lot of vague and not-so-vague complaining on this here blog, I thought I'd report that today I had a lovely day. Surprising, considering it started at 4:30 a.m. when Jane woke up and if you mix in the fact that this afternoon it starting raining that cold, nasty rain that only December can serve, it really wasn't a recipe for a great day.

But it was nice. We brought Jane to Au Bon Pain and managed to have a relatively nice breakfast as a family. We went grocery shopping, so it's pleasant to know we have some food in the house for the week (Greg and I have never grown up in this regard; we tend to eat weird meals comprised of pretzels and soup and other such nonsense-I promise I do feed Jane normal meals). Then when we came home, Greg dragged Jane around the backyard in her brand new sled - it was her first real experience sledding and she LOVED it. It's nice to have a reason to like the snow again.

Jane took a super long nap this afternoon and I proceeded to eat a kajillion Hershey's Kisses, watch TV and read. Tonight we went to my niece's birthday party where I gave her what I know must be her favorite gift (tickets to see In the Heights. With me. What's better than that?). And now I'm watching Tom Cruise run away from aliens. Although listening to Dakota Fanning scream is kind of putting me on edge.

So, overall, a nice day. And I thought you deserved a nice entry for once. (Upon review, I have used the word "nice" too many times in this entry but I am not going to change any of it. Because apparently that's how I feel about my Sunday.)

1 comment:

lgaumond said...

That was very nice.

Also, do you go to at least one birthday party each weekend? It seems like all you write about is going from one b-day party to another.