Tuesday, December 27, 2011

reverb11 day 27: in which I don't really answer the question

Today prompt asks: Share with us the title and inside jacket cover of the book you’d most like to write.
And here we are, day 27, and I don’t have an answer. I really don’t. Here’s why: I don’t think I have a book in me (I am answering in terms of a fictional book; but I won't be writing a non-fiction book either. That's for the experts of....things, which I am not.)

 Unlike so, so many of you talented bloggers, I am not a creative writer. I enjoy writing about my life, and about pop culture, and my various and sundry opinions (educated or not) about just about anything, but as much as I loooooove to read fiction – and plow through dozens and dozens of books a year – I don’t have a great, unwritten or unfinished novel in me.

 I’ll leave that to you guys.


Dwayne "The Train" said...

blog-post commenting saved the world.

dwayne the train's remarkable story.

#reverb11 in #tenwords

also, here’s my reply to yesterday’s prompt: origin of love.


HeatherMeH said...

I think you're creative and have faith you'll come up with. That book

Jason said...

I think you're more of a writer than you imagine yourself to be, but I know what you mean. I couldn't answer this prompt, part of me is afraid to voice my wants and hopes. I am always afraid that once I voice them Karma, or whatever else, will rip it from me and it will never materialize.