Tuesday, January 13, 2009

there's nothing to read here, so go there instead

This is an incredibly busy work week, plus we have sickness running through my house (so shocking, I know), so posting will be very light. BUT, instead, I am going to direct you to an all-together better blog anyway - Matt, Liz, and Madeline. It is written by Matt Logelin, whose daughter was born last March, and his wife died the next day as she was going to see her baby for the first time. YES, it sounds horribly sad, and it is - get tissues ready if you're going to read the first entries - but his style of writing and the way he writes about stumbling through this first year of parenting his gorgeous daughter alone - so against what his life plan had been - is truly compelling. His photography is amazing too. His most recent post mentioned that a story was going to appear about them in People this week, so hop over there before the rest of the world does.


yellaphant said...

oh.my.gah. i can't believe you just did that to me. i'm already crying.

Laurie said...

Wow. Thank you so much for sharing that site. Now I cant stop reading it. He is AMAZING!!!