Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The home stretch.

Sorry I've been slacking, Lisa!

I'm sitting here at home, having just eaten some boring pasta for dinner, anticipating cleaning the bathroom. Another rock and roll night in my rock and roll life. However, I can only focus on one thing - chocolate. For Lent this year, I've given up what I give up every year - cookies, candy, ice cream, potato chips and french fries. I can live without the fries, I can live with out the chips..hell, I can even live without the ice cream. But this lack of cookies and candy is killing me at this point. I found myself in front of the vending machine at work today twice, and I desperately wanted to get some M&Ms, or some cookies, or even just a plain Hershey bar - but what did I get? Combos. Gross, nasty-ass "nacho cheese" Combos, because basically there is nothing else in there that I can eat. I am going through some serious withdrawl at this point, and with five boxes of Girl Scout cookies just waiting for me under my chair at work, it's becoming impossible to resist.

Only three more days of this nonsense.


lgaumond said...

Yay, you're back! (I should talk, I haven't posted all week either.)

You're a strong woman. I'm never able to ignore the screaming call of the Girls Scout cookies. Luke and I already polished off the four boxes we bought. Stay strong, Lent's almost over, god will love you more for it.

lgaumond said...

Yay, you're back! (I should talk, I haven't posted all week either.)

You're a strong woman. I'm never able to ignore the screaming call of the Girls Scout cookies. Luke and I already polished off the four boxes we bought. Stay strong, Lent's almost over, god will love you more for it.