Tuesday, May 09, 2006

rain, rain, go away

I just looked at the 10-day forecast and it has rain or showers every single day. How depressing is that?

I talk about the weather too much. I think I should re-title this blog Me, my weather, my life.


Unknown said...

O, the rain is a saving grace to a world bigger then we are. It feed us all so if you should rethink the few drop that comes in this daily life you may come to enjoy the reain. It wont last long.

lgaumond said...

Ya, what he seaid...

And also, since you haven't actually TALKED about your dogs or posted and PICTURES of them yet, you SHOULD change your title.

I think you lie anyway. You don't have any dogs. Jimmi tells me he just hangs out there for band practice and free ciggarettes, he doesn't really live there.