Thursday, December 07, 2006

uncle, uncle!

As I told Alan tonight, I am quitting the blogging-every-day business. My posts have been barely interesting - seriously, I'm putting myself to sleep with them - and I've only been doing it in the spirit of competition. So, as Wheezer says, I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me? (Was it Wheezer? I think it was. Or some other similarly angst-ridden band from the '90s.)

It's been fun, y'all! I'll be back when I have something interesting (at least to me) to say.

ETA: It was Beck. Not Wheezer. I am ashamed of myself.


Alan said...

I will miss the puppy pictures. I might be out, too. I have too much going on at work and at home this season to come up with blog material EVERY DAY!

Best moment from auditions tonight - "stiffy prick"

Flann said...

I, too, will miss the many puppy pics. Those are always interesting.

For me, I know I have at least one day/night away next weekend, and more coming up, so I may be throwing in the towel, too. Who knows. I almost gave up tonight but then something happened and I needed to vent. :)

Optimistic Diva said...

It's "Weezer," not "Wheezer." First one - fun angry band staffed with abstinent Harvard geek. Second one - you during your recent play performance.