Wednesday, December 01, 2010

reverb10 day 1 - one word

OK, people, I have to say I’m really psyched about reverb10, despite the fact that I just blogged for the past 30 days for NaBloPoMo (yes, I did figure out a way to remind people that I actually completed ALL THIRTY DAYS- I AM AWESOME). 2010 was s bit of a rough year for me, so I’m looking forward to reflecting on it one more time, and then kicking it out the door to make way for a great 2011.

To find out more about reverb 10, click here, and THEN PARTICIPATE. Seriously. I’ll be your best friend! I even joined the Evangelist Crew for this project, because I think it's going to be really special, with lots of cool, inspirational writers joining in for the fun.

Anyway, participants are asked to respond to daily prompts (which I LOVE, because I don’t have to think of topics myself) either by blogging, journaling, tweeting, etc. I plan to do my reverbing (is this a word? maybe. it is now.) here and on Twitter, so if you don’t follow me there, please do (because I know you don’t want to go a whole day without knowing my innermost thoughts. I mean REALLY.) Anyway, you can find me on Twitter @memydogsmylife.

Today’s prompt comes from the amazing Gwen Bell:

Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?

My word for 2010 is ANXIOUS. I know, I know, it’s kind of a terrible word. But that was the state I was in for much of the year, due to health issues and sadness issues and parenting issues (dude, potty training SUCKED) – I would say from January through a lot of the summer, this word really fit. Not every single day or anything, but when I think about 2010, the words anxiety and anxious immediately pop up. And I really hate that this is the case, but I might as well be honest, right? But around my birthday, I decided it was time to stop that shit and make my life better.

Although life can throw you curveballs and it can really be terrible sometimes, a lot of time it is really about your mindset. You (I) have to CHOOSE not to be miserable. I have to know it’s OK to hope for better things. That saying it’s going to be a good day – or a good year – will not automatically jinx me into have a terrible day/year/whatever. And that’s why I really like the idea of manifesting a great 2011. As much as it is in my power, I want to make it a great year.

Which brings me to my word for 2011 – FUN. It’s a very simple word, of course, but I want to do everything I can to make 2011 as fun as possible. it's been my focus for the past few months, and will be at the top of my list for the next year (and beyond). I’m already working on that now, coming up with projects and vacation plans and party ideas to spice up the year. Just tonight, I committed to a project that will keep the first three months of my year well and truly busy in a fun and creative way. More on that later...

So, what are your words?


Lisa MB said...

Dude...yes potty training SUCKS. :)

But you got through it without losing your sanity, so I say, WOOHOO!

Here's to FUN in 2011!

Analiese said...

So glad you're participating in Reverb, and look forward to reading more of your posts!

Anonymous said...

Ohh you've inspired me to add in a bit of fun to my mix as well.