Thursday, December 02, 2010

reverb10 day 2 - writing

It’s reverb10 day two, party people! And here is today’s prompt:

What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?

What prevents me from writing? I’ll tell you in a sec…just have to check Facebook….and Twitter….and finish watching Parenthood….and a week’s worth of The Daily Show….and check in on this blog….and that blog….and the other blog….and one more sec, just want to watch this quick video…oh, and that video…and…zzzzzzzzzzzz

Yeah. All of that keeps me from writing. The internet is a huge time-sucking vortex that can keep me entertained for hours, and if that’s not enough, I’ve got loads of shows on my DVR that desperately need to be watched. Plus I’m like a tenth of the way though my book club book that I need to finish before the end of next week. And what about all of those magazines I subscribe to? They aren’t going to peruse themselves.

And that’s just the fun stuff. As a full-time working mom, a lot of my free time is spent doing laundry, cleaning, escorting Jane to an ever-increasing number of birthday parties (her social life is way better than mine at the moment), and, oh yeah, having quality family time. And friends! Sometimes I manage to see my friends.

And when it finally comes to the point where I’m actually going to blog, I will often find that I have nothing to say. Or at least I think I have nothing to say. By participating in month-long blogging projects like The August Break, NaBloPoMo, and now reverb10, I am finding out that I have a LOT to say. Whether it’s worth reading or not, well……

Sure, I could think about the topics more. Maaaybe I could revise a draft or two before I hit publish. Perhaps if I pondered my writing a bit more, my dear readers might get a wee bit more quality and much less stream-of-consciousness out of me. But that’s what I have time for now. That’s what entertains me, and hopefully sometimes entertains you.

What I’m hoping to get out of these blogging challenges is a kick in the pants to be a better blogger, a more consistent blogger. I have a great desire, at the beginning of 2011, to unplug a great deal – to get rid of - or at least significantly decrease - the many digital distractions that eat up my precious time and MIGHT help me better my blogging habits. It will be like breaking a particularly strong addiction - so we'll see.

OR I’ll just post more YouTube videos. Hey, it’s something, right?

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