Friday, July 14, 2006

Weekend update, July 14 edition

And, without further ado, here is a fairly boring list of stuff I may or may not do this weekend! Try not to fall asleep.

Friday: Well, I just got home early from work, and read my friend Alan's blog. I convinced him to start a blog, and a handy-dandy link is on the side of this page, so check him out! Tonight Greg and I will surely eat, because that's pretty much all we do, and then maybe we will see a movie. I'm thinking possible that You, Me and Dupree movie, but, God, it doesn't even look that good. There are so few good movies out these days. It's pathetic.

Saturday: AKA KERMIT THE BAND day. Greg's band will be performing Saturday night, so I'm sure all day Saturday will revolve around stressing about/preparing for the big gig. PLEASE COME. I beg you. They are quite good, I swear! I need someone to hang out with. We'll be at the Federal Cafe. I'll buy you a drink. I'll buy you TWO drinks.

Sunday: Recovery from the gig. Even though I'm not in the band, the whole thing involves a certain amount of recovery for everyone involved. I have Woods rehearsal at night, and before that, I will probably go to my mom's.

All weekend: Sweating my arse off. It's supposed to be steamin' hot!

1 comment:

lgaumond said...

Well I was thinking we'd head out for NO drinks, but since you're gonna buy is two drinks, how can we say no?