Friday, December 24, 2010

reverb10 day 24: everything's OK

Today's reverb10 prompt comes from the absolutely fantabulous blogger and author Kate Inglis. Seriously - ditch my blog and go read hers. She's amazing. (Well...wait. Just read my post first. Then go read her. You'll end up there all day, she's so great.)

What was the best moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright? And how will you incorporate that discovery into the year ahead?

Oh dear. I feel like if I really put my heart and soul into this post, I might start crying. And the fact is, I need to go to Build-A-Bear with my sister, niece and Jane in an hour - and that's going to make me cry enough. (Yes, we are going to the mall on Christmas Eve because we've clearly taken a leave of our senses.)

In short, I guess I will say - how do I know everything is going to be alright? I don't, really. I believe it's the people we surround ourselves with that help make a not-alright situation more bearable. So my answer is - it's the people/canines in this picture that make me know everything is going to be alright - even if it isn't.

(note: this is the first picture of all of us together that exists - and it was taken only three months ago, on Junior's bloativersary (but that's another story).)

Merry Christmas, friends!


sweetsalty kate said...

You're so sweet. This is too. :)

Stereo said...

You and your family are incredibly sweet and you're right; loved ones DO make us feel like everything is going to be just fine.