Sunday, January 08, 2012

spring in january.

So yesterday was just one of those days that we don't get here in New England. It was something like 65 degrees and sunny outside - on JANUARY 7. It was unbelievable. We took full advantage, and spent the day outside walking around a local outdoor shopping area, went to the bookstore, and just enjoyed the feeling of the sun beating on our faces when, on the same day last year, we were getting another six inches on top of the couple of feet of snow we'd already gotten. We currently have absolutely no snow anywhere. We haven't gotten anything since that bullshit 15 inches we got in October. It's amazing.

 I know it can't stay like this forever - it's at least 20 degrees cooler today - but it made me want spring soooo much. I've got my eye on the prize - and the prize is long sunny days during which I can wear my flip flops. Just a few more months....

Busy week ahead, including going to see this show on tour, Jane's kindergarten registration meeting at her elementary school (cue the sobbing) (from me), and prepping for our big trip to New Jersey next weekend for Greg's BF's 40th birthday party. SANS CHILD. Holy shit!

This sad little post is my attempt to get back into regular blogging, even if I don't have anything big to say.


moosh in indy. said...

Dude, if the world has to end? I'll take it 60 degrees and sunny.

Jason said...

This sad little comment is my attempt to get back in the saddle and start reading again now that I am feeling a little better. You are my first ;-)